Benefits of UVC Sterilization
Boost customer loyalty by creating a powerful sense of protection and safety by going above and beyond competitors.
Drive clients to your gas pumps to increase overall foot traffic and maximize convenience store food and beverage sales.
Safe for the environment and humans with light naturally emitted from the sun, does not disperse mysterious chemicals.
Get all advantages UVC has to offer without adding more work, just let the intelligent self-sufficient system run.
Compare the Difference of UVC disinfection VS Chemical Cleaners
UVC Disinfection
Effortless once installed
Automatic after each client
Effective every single time
No recurring purchases
400,000+ cycles per bulb
Works against all microbes
Environmentally friendly
Chemical Cleaners
Requires manual labor
Dependent on a worker
Prone to cross-contamination
Buy materials frequently
Constant maintenance
Must include correct biocides
Chemical storage and waste