Zenith ZTS-CT Closed Transition Series ATS
Loads such as electronic equipment, HID lighting, motor starters, and the like are sensitive to even the 30-100 millisecond outage experienced during a typical transfer switch operation. Therefore, testing and use of the standby system may not be optimized, and necessary system checks may be omitted because of concerns about the effects of transfer. In addition, opportunities for peak shaving and utility incentive rates may be passed over because of the inability to accept short power interruptions.
GE Zenith’s proven switching technology combines with controls developed through years of experience with synchronizing switchgear to provide worry-free transfers in a closed transition mode. With GE Zenith Controls high-speed drive system, the overlap of the normal and alternate sources is less than 100 milliseconds. When one source is not within normal limits such as during a power outage, the ZTS-CT operates in an open transition mode.
Product Specifications: ZTS-CT Brochure (pdf)